Search results for ' Nicaragua'

India to write off poor nations' debt

India to write off poor nations' debt

Rediff.com5 Jun 2003

India on Thursday decided to write-off dues worth Rs 95.44 crore (Rs 954 million) of seven heavily indebted poor countries.

India is a weak democracy: Study

India is a weak democracy: Study

Rediff.com23 May 2004

'The absence of any meaningful law to monitor the funding of political parties has been a glaring limitation in the Indian electoral/political system,' the study says.

India tops list of workers remittances at $10 bn

India tops list of workers remittances at $10 bn

Rediff.com2 Apr 2003

India topped the World Bank's list of workers' remittances at $10 billion, which is over 13 per cent of the total $72.3 billion flowing to all developing countries during 2001.

Spain jumps to second in latest FIFA list

Spain jumps to second in latest FIFA list

Rediff.com26 Mar 2003

It switched places with France, which is now in the third place in the latest rankings published on Wednesday.

Wal-Mart takes over the world!

Wal-Mart takes over the world!

Rediff.com19 Jan 2006

Growth competitiveness index rankings 2005

Growth competitiveness index rankings 2005

Rediff.com28 Sep 2005


Microcredit: A billion bootstraps

Microcredit: A billion bootstraps

Rediff.com27 Sep 2007

Being creative and turning every available resource into a business is vital to improving the lives of those in poverty. Poor people often do not need outsiders to tell them about business opportunities.

'India's role in outsourcing will grow'

'India's role in outsourcing will grow'

Rediff.com17 May 2010

An interview with Dilip R Vellodi, chairman and chief executive officer, Sutherland Global Services.

Why Phil Spector is haunted

Why Phil Spector is haunted

Rediff.com20 Sep 2003

Gender equality? India ranks a poor 114th

Gender equality? India ranks a poor 114th

Rediff.com27 Oct 2009

India has been ranked in the bottom half among 134 countries in terms of gender equality, in WEF's latest ranking that assessed the distribution of resources and opportunities among males and females.

They want to be the next Bangalore

They want to be the next Bangalore

Rediff.com24 Jan 2006

Ramananda Sengupta On India & Iraq

Ramananda Sengupta On India & Iraq

Rediff.com26 Dec 2002

India and the US-sponsored Pax Democratica

India and the US-sponsored Pax Democratica

Rediff.com24 Aug 2007

Is there a well-concealed additional vision of an 'arc of democracy'? That is the nagging question in the Chinese mind. It will nag even more after they have read Dr Singh's positive reaction to the idea of closer co-operation among major democracies

India get tough draw for World Cup qualifier

India get tough draw for World Cup qualifier

Rediff.com6 Dec 2003

India have been drawn in along with Japan, Oman and Singapore in the Asian qualifying group for the 2006 World Cup football finals.\n\n

India less corrupt now; Iraq worst

India less corrupt now; Iraq worst

Rediff.com7 Nov 2006

'Stick up for what you think, even if unpopular'

'Stick up for what you think, even if unpopular'

Rediff.com20 Dec 2004

'Never pretend to know the answer to something you have no clue about!' says Rhodes Scholar Swati Mylavarapu.

India 40th, US tops in network readiness

India 40th, US tops in network readiness

Rediff.com28 Mar 2006

India stands 40th in 'network readiness' in the world, having slipped from the 39th spot it held last year. However, it is above China (50th) and Pakistan (67th) and Sri Lanka (83rd).

Callous US, guilty Bush

Callous US, guilty Bush

Rediff.com21 Mar 2005

Even Namibia is ahead of India!

Even Namibia is ahead of India!

Rediff.com13 Oct 2004

The Global Corruption Index Ranking

The Global Corruption Index Ranking

Rediff.com19 Dec 2003

In the Global Corruption Index, a survey of 133 nations conducted by Transparency International (an anti-graft watchdog), India stood 83rd, recording a score of 2.8 out of 10.

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